How to Add Totals in Tableau: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to add totals in Tableau and optimize your data analysis. Discover step-by-step instructions, tips, and frequently asked questions to enhance your Tableau skills.

Matt Popovic
4 min readJul 9, 2023

Tableau is a powerful data visualization and business intelligence tool that allows users to analyze and present data in an interactive and intuitive manner. Adding totals to your Tableau visualizations can provide valuable insights and help you understand the overall picture of your data. In this article, we will explore various techniques to add totals in Tableau and optimize your data analysis.

1. Understanding the Importance of Totals in Tableau

In Tableau, totals refer to aggregated values that summarize the data in your visualizations. These totals can be calculated across different dimensions and measures, providing you with a comprehensive view of your data. By including totals, you can quickly identify patterns, trends, and outliers, making it easier to derive meaningful insights.

1.1. Types of Totals in Tableau

Tableau offers different types of totals that can be applied to your visualizations. These include:

  • Row Totals: Row totals display the sum, average, or other aggregations across each row of data in a table or matrix. They help you compare the values within a row and identify the highest or lowest values.
  • Column Totals: Column totals show the sum, average, or other aggregations across each column of data in a table or matrix. They allow you to compare the values within a column and understand the overall performance for each category.
  • Grand Totals: Grand totals represent the sum, average, or other aggregations across all the data in a visualization. They provide a holistic view of the entire dataset and can help identify patterns or trends.

1.2. Benefits of Adding Totals in Tableau

The inclusion of totals in your Tableau visualizations offers several benefits:

  • Quick Comparison: Totals allow you to compare values across different dimensions, helping you identify variances and outliers.
  • Enhanced Understanding: Totals provide a summarized view of your data, making it easier to interpret and derive insights.
  • More Comprehensive Analysis: By adding totals, you can analyze the overall performance of your data, spotting key trends or patterns that may have otherwise been overlooked.

2. How to Add Totals in Tableau

Now that you understand the significance of totals in Tableau, let’s explore how to add them to your visualizations. We’ll cover various techniques to suit your specific analysis needs.

2.1. Adding Row Totals

To add row totals in Tableau:

  1. Select the desired dimension field from the “Rows” shelf.
  2. Right-click on the dimension field and choose “Measure” > “Sum” (or other desired aggregation) to create a measure field.
  3. Drag the measure field from the “Measures” pane to the right of the dimension field.
  4. Right-click on the measure field and select “Add Table Calculation.”
  5. In the table calculation dialog box, choose the desired calculation, such as “Running Total,” “Difference from,” or “Percent of Total.”
  6. Customize the table calculation settings as needed, including specific dimensions or measures to compute the total.

2.2. Adding Column Totals

To add column totals in Tableau:

  1. Select the desired dimension field from the “Columns” shelf.
  2. Right-click on the dimension field and choose “Measure” > “Sum” (or other desired aggregation) to create a measure field.
  3. Drag the measure field from the “Measures” pane to the bottom of the dimension field.
  4. Right-click on the measure field and select “Add Table Calculation.”
  5. Follow steps 5 and 6 from the previous section to customize the table calculation settings for column totals.

2.3. Adding Grand Totals

To add grand totals in Tableau:

  1. Drag the desired dimension and measure fields to the “Rows” or “Columns” shelf.
  2. Right-click on the measure field and choose “Add Table Calculation.”
  3. Select the appropriate table calculation, such as “Total” or “Percent of Total.”
  4. Adjust the table calculation settings as needed.

Remember to customize the aggregation and calculation settings according to your analysis requirements. Tableau provides a wide range of options to suit various scenarios.

3. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Can I customize the formatting of the totals in Tableau?

Yes, Tableau offers extensive formatting options for totals. You can customize the appearance, font, color, and alignment of the totals to match your visualization’s style.

Q2: Can I exclude certain dimensions from the totals calculation?

Absolutely! Tableau allows you to exclude dimensions from the totals calculation. Simply right-click on the desired dimension and select “Exclude” to exclude it from the calculation.

Q3: Can I add subtotals to my visualizations in Tableau?

Yes, Tableau supports the addition of subtotals. You can enable subtotals for specific dimensions by right-clicking on the dimension field and selecting “Show Subtotals.”

In conclusion, adding totals in Tableau enhances your data analysis process by providing a summarized view of your data and enabling quick comparisons. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article and exploring the various techniques, you can optimize your Tableau visualizations and gain valuable insights from your data.

About Author:

Wendy Chae is a data analyst and business intelligence expert, passionate about unlocking the power of data. Stay tuned for more insightful posts as Wendy explores the world of data analysis and shares practical tips to enhance your data-driven decision-making.

