How to Pivot Data in Tableau: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to effectively pivot data in Tableau to gain valuable insights and improve data analysis. Explore step-by-step instructions, helpful tips, and best practices.

Matt Popovic
4 min readJul 9, 2023


Organizations across different industries rely on data visualization tools to make informed decisions. Tableau is one such powerful tool that allows users to analyze and interpret data in a visually appealing way. In this comprehensive guide, we will deep dive into the process of pivoting data in Tableau. By understanding how to pivot data, you can transform your data structure to gain valuable insights and improve data analysis.

Segment 1: Understanding Data Pivoting in Tableau

To get started, let’s first understand the concept of data pivoting in Tableau. Pivoting is the process of reorganizing data from a wide format (multiple columns) to a long format (two columns — one for the variable names and another for the values).

Pivoting data is useful when you have a dataset with multiple variables stored as separate columns, and you want to analyze or visualize the data based on these variables. By pivoting the data, you can reshape it into a format that is easier to work with and can facilitate better analysis.

To pivot data in Tableau, you can make use of the built-in functionality called “Pivot” or utilize Tableau Prep, a data preparation tool developed by Tableau.

Segment 2: Step-by-Step Guide to Pivoting Data in Tableau

Now that we understand the concept of data pivoting, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of pivoting data in Tableau using the built-in pivot functionality.

  1. Connect to Data Source: Start by connecting Tableau to your preferred data source, such as Excel, CSV, or a database.
  2. Import Data: Once connected to the data source, import the desired dataset into Tableau.
  3. Identify Columns to Pivot: Identify the columns in your dataset that you want to pivot. These are typically the columns with variable names or data categories.
  4. Select Columns to Pivot: In Tableau, select all the columns that you want to pivot by holding the “Ctrl” key (or “Cmd” key on Mac) and clicking on each column.
  5. Right-Click and Choose “Pivot”: Once you have selected the desired columns, right-click on any of the selected columns and choose the “Pivot” option from the context menu.
  6. Review Pivoted Data: Tableau will generate a new column called “Pivot Field Names” and another column called “Pivot Field Values.” The “Pivot Field Names” column contains the original column names that you pivoted, and the “Pivot Field Values” column contains the corresponding values.

Segment 3: Tableau Prep for Advanced Data Pivoting

While the built-in pivot functionality in Tableau is suitable for simple data pivoting tasks, Tableau Prep offers more advanced capabilities for complex data transformations. Tableau Prep allows you to perform data cleaning, shaping, and combining operations, making it a powerful tool for data preparation and transformation.

Here’s a brief overview of the steps involved in using Tableau Prep for advanced data pivoting:

  1. Connect to Data Source: Start by connecting Tableau Prep to your data source.
  2. Import and Profile Data: Import the dataset into Tableau Prep and analyze it to identify any data quality issues or anomalies.
  3. Apply Transformations: Use the various transformations offered by Tableau Prep, such as pivoting, splitting, merging, and aggregating, to reshape and clean the data.
  4. Configure Pivot Transform:
  • Select the columns to pivot.
  • Specify the pivot values.
  • Define the pivot output fields and their properties.
  1. Preview and Validate Results: Before finalizing the pivoting operation, preview the transformed data in Tableau Prep to ensure the desired outcome has been achieved.

By utilizing Tableau Prep, you can perform complex data transformations and ensure that your data is ready for analysis in Tableau.

Segment 4: Best Practices for Data Pivoting in Tableau

Pivoting data can significantly impact the quality and effectiveness of your analysis. To ensure accurate and reliable results, consider the following best practices when pivoting data in Tableau:

  1. Data Integrity: Validate your dataset to ensure data accuracy and consistency before performing the pivot operation. Any errors or inconsistencies may lead to erroneous results and insights.
  2. Data Cleanup: Before pivoting, clean and standardize your data by handling missing values, removing duplicate records, and resolving any data quality issues.
  3. Choose Relevant Variables: Select the variables/columns that are essential for your analysis. Pivoting unnecessary or irrelevant variables can unnecessarily complicate your dataset.
  4. Consider Performance Implications: Pivoting large datasets with a high number of unique values can impact performance. Be mindful of the data size and complexity when pivoting.
  5. Document the Pivoted Structure: Document the structure of the pivoted data, including the original column names, as it may be required for future analysis or sharing with others.

Segment 5: Conclusion

In conclusion, pivoting data in Tableau is a powerful technique that allows you to reshape and analyze your data more effectively. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide and leveraging Tableau Prep for advanced transformations, you can gain valuable insights and optimize your data analysis processes. Remember to adhere to best practices and consider the specific requirements of your analysis to achieve accurate and meaningful results.


  1. What are the advantages of pivoting data in Tableau?
  • Pivoting data in Tableau allows for better analysis and visualization of multiple variables.
  • It simplifies the data structure and makes it easier to work with and interpret.
  1. Can I undo a pivoting operation in Tableau?
  • No, once you have pivoted your data in Tableau, you cannot directly undo the operation. It is recommended to keep a backup of the original dataset.
  1. Can I pivot data with different values per column in Tableau?
  • Yes, Tableau allows you to pivot data with different values per column. The pivot functionality is flexible and can handle varying data structures.

About Author:

Wendy Chae is a data analyst and business intelligence expert, passionate about unlocking the power of data. Stay tuned for more insightful posts as Wendy explores the world of data analysis and shares practical tips to enhance your data-driven decision-making.

